Cannabis, University Policies Regarding

University Policy: 07-045 Cannabis, University Policies Regarding
Last Revised:
Responsible Executive: Provost
Responsible Office: Division of Academic Affairs
Download the Policy: (PDF)
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Policy Statement

Oregon State University prohibits students, employees and members of the general public from possessing, using or distributing marijuana in any form on any university-owned or -controlled property and during any university activities.

Reason for Policy

1.  While Oregon law may allow certain marijuana-related activities such as limited medical marijuana use and other recreational use and possession, using and possessing marijuana in any form remains a crime under federal law. The Controlled Substances Act states that the growing and use of marijuana is a crime and federal enforcement agencies can prosecute users and growers of marijuana, regardless of state law. The use of medical marijuana in the workplace and on campus is restricted by additional federal laws, such as the federal Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Oregon State University’s policies related to the use and possession of marijuana did not change when Oregon’s recreational marijuana law took effect, and the body of federal law around marijuana require the university to prohibit the use of marijuana on university property and during university activities.

2.  As a recipient of considerable federal funding, such as financial aid and federal grants and contracts for research, the university is required to continue to prohibit the use and possession and distribution of all federally controlled substances – including marijuana. Consequently, such activity will remain prohibited by University Policy and the Code of Student Conduct.


For the convenience and understanding of the university community, several prominent marijuana-related unit rules and practices are summarized below:


The Code of Student Conduct prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of marijuana or its derivatives, and such activity may result in disciplinary action.

Code of Student Conduct:…


As an employer, the university will continue to abide by the federal Drug Free Workplace Act, which continues to prohibit the possession, use, manufacturing or distribution of marijuana in the workplace. Any previously applicable University drug testing policies remain unchanged, but no new University policies will be implemented as a result of Measure 91.

University Policy on Drug Free Workplace:

Drug testing for certain classified positions:


Faculty are prohibited from instructing students during class or through class materials about how to grow, manufacture, distribute or dispense marijuana.


Faculty are prohibited from conducting research that involves the possession, use, or distribution of marijuana unless such research is in compliance with already established guidelines set forth by federal agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Drug Administration and National Institute of Drug Abuse. At this time, faculty may perform research on industrial hemp in compliance with established federal guidelines.

Additional guidance on industrial hemp:


The university prohibits the possession, use or distribution of marijuana in residence and dining halls. The university also prohibits the possession of marijuana-related paraphernalia. Marijuana possessed by students on campus will be confiscated and destroyed.

University Housing and Dining Services policy guide:


The university will not advertise, promote, or otherwise coordinate student internships, research or job opportunities with companies involved in the manufacturing, distribution or possession of marijuana.

(The 2018 Farm Bill does not provide for the legalization of industrialized hemp production outside of research purposes until a federal regulatory framework is in place, and this is not expected to happen for at least a year. The university currently does not allow the posting of jobs associated with illegal activity. Employers will be allowed to post jobs on OSU sites with the confirmation that they are not engaged in illegal activity and fully compliant with state and federal regulations.)


Oregon State will not provide university academic credit for student internships with companies where the students are involved in the manufacturing, distribution, or possession of marijuana. Undergraduate students may appeal an internship denial to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs for re-consideration. Graduate students may appeal to the Dean of the Graduate School.

Students are permitted to participate in university employment and/or internship opportunities associated with growing and cultivating industrial hemp for academic research purposes, with the following conditions:

1. The research/production is permitted and otherwise permissible under the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bill;

2. The end purpose of the production and cultivation is not for commercial activity; and,

3. The funding source for the research is approved through the Research Office.

(This policy would only provide for employment and academic credit for OSU-affiliated activity, and not be extended to non-OSU affiliated entities covered by the Farm Bill.)


The university will hold OSU Extension Service and 4-H volunteers accountable to federal laws and university policies while performing duties on behalf of the university. The OSU Extension Service will not provide instruction regarding how to grow, manufacture, distribute or dispense marijuana.

OSU Extension policy for providing instruction on industrial hemp:

Adopted: June 30, 2015
Amended: Housekeeping, February 28, 2019