1. Policy Statement
1.1. Oregon State University (“university”) adopts this university standard to govern the presence of animals on university-owned or –controlled property.
2. Reason for Policy
2.1. In establishing rules to govern the presence of animals on university property the university seeks to uphold federal, state, and local laws and regulations; ensure the health and safety of the university community; preserve the integrity of its grounds, buildings, and other property; and support a healthful educational environment that respects the rights of individuals.
3. Scope & Audience
3.1. This university standard applies to all university employees, students, contractors, volunteers and anyone on university-owned or -controlled property.
4. Definitions
4.1. Animal: Any bird, reptile, or mammal.
4.2. Leash: Any rope, strap, chain, or similar device not exceeding six feet in length, held in the hand of a person capable of controlling the animal to which it is attached.
5. Responsibilities & Procedures
5.1. Regulations
5.1.1. As applicable, local, city, county, and state animal control ordinances and laws, together with any adopted amendments, are enforceable on university-owned and -controlled property.
5.2. General
5.2.1. Animals are not permitted in university-owned or -controlled buildings.
5.2.2. No person shall bring an animal onto university-owned or -controlled property and leave it unattended for any length of time.
5.2.3. No person shall attach any animal by the use of any leash or other device to any tree, pole, fence, sign, building, fire hydrant, vehicle, or other object on university-owned or -controlled property.
5.2.4. No person shall confine or attach an animal within or to a motor vehicle either leashed, tied, or loose in such a way that the animal can extend beyond that vehicle.
5.2.5. Animals are not allowed on university-owned or -controlled property unless on a leash and under the control of a person capable of controlling the animal.
5.2.6. No person shall bring an animal onto university-owned or -controlled property unless it has a current license, if applicable.
5.2.7. This university standard does not apply to emotional support animals or service animals. For information and policies regarding emotional support animals, service animals, or other support animals see Sec. 8.1 and 8.2.
5.3. Exceptions
5.3.1. Exceptions to Sec. 5.2 are permitted in the following instances:
a. Service and assistance animals trained to assist a physically impaired person in one or more daily life activities, including but not limited to Guide Dogs for the Blind, Companion Dogs for the Deaf, Canine Companions for Independence (including those dogs in training), or those associated with a comparable nationally recognized organization;
b. Animals under guidance and control of university staff for the purpose of research or other academic endeavors;
c. Animals trained to support public safety or law enforcement operations that are performing that type of work in coordination with the Department of Public Safety; or,
d. Pets of professional and teaching faculty who live in residential facilities operated by University Housing and Dining Services (UHDS) when authorized in advance by UHDS under criteria established by UHDS. Such criteria shall address health and safety concerns and the suitability of the animal for living in a residence hall setting.
5.3.2 Other exceptions to this standard may be approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administration or their designee and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Persons seeking exceptions must make their request in writing and receive approval before acting pursuant to this standard.
CURRENT EXCEPTIONS:Counseling and Psychological Services (Corvallis campus) for a therapy dog. Granted October 12, 2023. |
5.4. Sanctions
5.4.1. Any person who violates this university standard is subject to:
a. Issuance of an exclusion notice by a Public Safety Officer;
b. An order to leave the premises and remove the animal from property owned or controlled by the university by a person in charge of university property;
c. Arrest for criminal trespass; or
d. Disciplinary action, if a student or university employee.
5.4.2. If an uncontrolled animal is found on university-owned or -controlled property in violation of this university standard, the university may contact local animal control to remove the animal, impound the animal, or take the animal to the Humane Society.
5.4.3. For the Corvallis campus, the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Director of Facilities Services, Chief of Public Safety, Executive Director of University Housing and Dining Services, Director for Student Conduct and Community Standards, and their designees, have the authority of "persons in charge" of university property for purposes of ORS 164.205 and this university standard.
5.4.4. For the Bend campus, the Chief Operations Officer, Director of Facilities and Operations, Associate Director of Campus Safety, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, and Director Student Success and their designees, have the authority of "persons in charge" of university property for purposes of ORS 164.205 and this university standard.
5.4.5. For the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), the HMSC Director, or designee, have the authority of “persons in charge” of university property for purposes of ORS 164.205 and this university standard.
5.5. Appeal
5.5.1. For the Corvallis and HMSC campuses, anyone aggrieved by the application of this university standard may appeal in writing within 10 days to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or designee. If the Vice President for Finance and Administration or designee does not respond to the appeal in writing within 10 days of receiving the appeal, the appeal is deemed denied.
5.5.2. For the Bend campus, anyone aggrieved by the application of this university standard may appeal in writing within 10 days to the Chief Operations Officer. If the Chief Operations Officer or designee does not respond to the appeal in writing within 10 days of receiving the appeal, the appeal is deemed denied.
5.5.3. Secs. 5.5.1 and 5.5.2. do not apply to requests for appeals pertaining to emotional support animals or service animals. Such requests for appeals should be made through the processes described in the policies listed in Sec. 8.1 and 8.2.
6. Forms & Tools
6.1. None.
7. Frequently Asked Questions
7.1. None.
8. Related Information
8.1. OSU Service and Assistance Animal Policy: http://accessibility.oregonstate.edu//serviceanimalpolicy
8.2. Emotional Support Animals: https://studenthealth.oregonstate.edu/policies-and-guidelines/emotional-support-animal-policy
9. History
9.1. Amended: June, 2018; August 2021; Housekeeping amendments September 27, 2022.
9.2 Reviewed and revised: University Standard 07-030 Animals on Campus received its periodic review and was revised on June 30, 2023.
9.2. Next scheduled review date: June 2028.
10. Website
10.1. University Standard 07-030 Animals on Campus: http://policy.oregonstate.edu/UPSM/07-030_animals_on_campus
11. Contacts
Department of Public Safety