Policy & Standards
The University Policy and Standards Manual (UPSM) provides the university's governing framework. The University Policies and University Standards found within the UPSM express the goals, values, and culture of the university. Collectively, they provide the authority and guidance to university units, employees, students, agents, contractors, licensees, and volunteers that is required to achieve the university’s mission, and outline the relevant responsibilities to the university community.
The University Policy and Standards Program in the Office of Faculty Affairs develops, maintains, and archives university policies and standards, which are published in the searchable University Policy & Standards Manual. You can search alphabetically or by number, or use the search boxes for key words.
Questions about Individual Policies
Each policy has a contacts section identifying specific points of contact. More broadly, policies have "owners" by way of Responsible Executives and Responsible Offices, allowing you to direct questions to the units and individuals responsible for specific policies. If unclear, feel free to contact the University Policy and Standards Office at [email protected].
Request Policy Development Assistance
If you would like to propose a new policy or the repeal or revision of an existing policy, please contact the University Policy and Standards Office at [email protected]. For additional information and guidance, please review the tools in the Resources section of this website.
What's New
Public Comment
Draft University Standards are listed here for three weeks before submission to the president for signature and adoption.
There are no drafts available for review currently.
Recent Updates
New Policies
08-020 Digital Accessibility.This policy requires the university community to procure and provide information technology (from websites to classroom equipment and beyond) that is accessible to everyone who engages with it, with substantially equivalent ease of use. (8/28/24)
Revised Policies
01-225 Faculty Grievances. This policy describes the formal grievance procedure for consideration of disputes that are not resolved through informal procedures. (11/26/24)
01-220 Faculty Records. This policy describes which faculty records are confidential and exempt from public records requests and procedures for reviewing and maintaining personnel files. (11/26/24)
07-310 Weapons, Dangerous Chemicals & Destructive Devices. This policy prohibits the possession, use, or threatened use of dangerous chemicals, weapons, or destructive devices on university-owned or -controlled property, or at university events held on property not owned or controlled by the university. Exceptions exist for university sanctioned uses, such as classroom activities or ROTC. (8/28/24)
05-001 Sexual Misconduct and Sex Discrimination; 05-005 Responsible Employees. Several edits or additions were made to align the policies with federal regulation. Procedurally, edits clarify that claims of discrimination or retaliation will be reported to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. (8/1/24)
04-100 Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment; 04-110 Retaliation. Both have been edited to mirror changes made in 05-001 for consistency. (8/1/24)
Repealed Policies