1.1. Individuals utilizing housing provided by Oregon State University (“university”) who are subject to a student housing contract or housing agreement are subject to university standards, policies and rules. This includes this and other university standards and policies, relevant contracts or agreements, the Code of Student Conduct, and undergraduate and graduate catalogs (collectively called herein “applicable policies and rules”).
1.2. All residents who live in residence halls, cooperative houses, student family housing, or other housing offered by the university for charge must be regularly enrolled students at the university or be residents under contractual agreement to reside in university housing.
1.3. The university provides services to students and other eligible residents living in university housing facilities and is authorized to enforce any relevant policies or rules regarding such facilities.
2.1. The university provides a range of housing, dining, and other services to the university community. This policy describes how the university interacts with students and staff through its residence halls, student family apartments, and other spaces.
3.1. This policy applies to individuals utilizing services provided by the university and to all residential students or residents who live in university housing facilities, including residence halls, cooperative houses, or student family housing, regardless of the length of that residency.
4.1. None.
5.1. Residence Hall Eligibility
5.1.1. To be eligible for residence in on-campus housing, individuals must be admitted to and enrolled at the university and actively pursuing a degree, a university-affiliated program, or dually admitted to and enrolled at a community college with which the university has a dual-enrollment agreement.
5.1.2. Individuals must also meet any additional eligibility requirements set forth in the OSU Code of Student Conduct and relevant Policy Guide, contracts, or agreements.
5.1.3. A university housing resident who has been but is no longer registered for classes at the university or at an institution with whom the university maintains a degree partnership agreement if the resident is dually enrolled, is not eligible to remain in residence in on-campus housing.
5.1.4. The university’s Live-on Requirement applies to all new first-year students, which requires that first-year students who enroll at the university within one year of high school graduation must live in a university-owned and -operated residence for their first academic year after high school graduation as part of the university’s First Year Experience. Details are found at: https://studentlife.oregonstate.edu/first-year-experience-live-policy and in Sec. 8.5.
5.2. Fraternities, Sororities, and Cooperatives
5.2.1 Fraternities and sororities are housed in privately owned, off-campus facilities that are not controlled or operated by the university. All student members of fraternities and sororities are subject to and expected to comply with all university policies or standards, rules, and standards of conduct described in the OSU Code of Student Conduct.
5.3. Student Family Housing
5.3.1. Eligibility.
a. To be eligible to apply for residence in student family housing, a student must:
i. Be admitted to the university; and,
ii. Complete an application for student family housing with UHDS.
b. At the time of application and at the signing of the rental agreement, the student shall present evidence of eligibility.
c. An application for student family housing will be cancelled:
i. If the applicant does not enroll at the university for the term for which they were initially admitted; or,
ii. If, after the initial term of enrollment, the applicant does not register at the university for each term of the academic year, excluding summer or another academic term at the approval of the Assistant Director of Operations.
5.4. Exceptions
5.4.1. The Vice-Provost for Student Affairs or their designee may make exceptions to this policy upon a determination that to do so would be consistent with its intent and purpose.
5.5. Charging of Administrative and Physical Plant Costs to Auxiliary Enterprises
5.5.1. In recognition of use of student centers, housing, food service buildings, recreational buildings and intercollegiate athletic facilities for instructional and public service programs, the university may fund from education and general services resources a proportionate share of the physical plant costs of operating and maintaining these auxiliary enterprises. Such funding is generally apportioned according to use and space, except that education and general services resources normally shall not be used to support such revenue-producing areas as food service, bookstore, barber shop, game room, housing and other similar areas that should be self-supporting. The basis for apportioning physical plant operation and maintenance costs shall be determined by the institution.
5.6. Reimbursement to Residence Halls
5.6.1. When residence hall spaces are used for educational or administrative purposes, payment shall cover utilities, maintenance, insurance, administrative costs, and the same rate of debt service that is required for the space used as dormitories.
6.1. None.
7.1. None.
8.1. University Housing and Dining Services Policy Guide: https://uhds.oregonstate.edu/housing/uhds-policy-guide
8.2. OSU-Cascades Residence Hall Policy Guide: https://osucascades.edu/sites/osucascades.edu/files/osu_cascades_2020-2…
8.3. UHDS Website: https://uhds.oregonstate.edu OSU-Cascades Housing Website: https://osucascades.edu/housing Hatfield Marine Science Center Website: https://hmsc.oregonstate.edu/academics/housing-hmsc
8.4. OSU Code of Student Conduct: https://studentlife.oregonstate.edu/studentconduct
8.5. First Year Experience Residency Requirement: https://studentlife.oregonstate.edu/sites/studentlife.oregonstate.edu/f…
9.1. Adopted: Oregon State University adopted university policies 580-011 Housing, 576-016 Student Family Housing, Reimbursement to Resident Halls (unnumbered), and 576-017-0005 Student Living Groups from Oregon Administrative Rules 580-011 Housing, 576-016 Student Family Housing, Reimbursement to Resident Halls (unnumbered), and 576-017-0005 Student Living Groups on July 1, 2014.
9.2. Revised: 580-011 Housing, 576-016 Student Family Housing, Reimbursement to Resident Halls (unnumbered), and 576-017-0005 Student Living Groups were consolidated, revised and renumbered as University Policy 02-125 University Housing on February 15, 2023.
9.3. Next scheduled review date: February 2026.
10.1 http://policy.oregonstate.edu/UPSM/02-125_university_housing.
University Housing & Dining Services
OSU-Cascades Residential Education and Housing