Student Academic and Financial Aid Appeals

University Policy: 02-010 Student Academic and Financial Aid Appeals
Last Revised:
Responsible Executive: Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Responsible Office: Enrollment Management
Download the Policy: (PDF)
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1. Policy Statement

1.1. This university policy summarizes basic appeal procedures for grievances of certain undergraduate student academic matters not covered by the Code of Student Conduct. For appeals covered by the Code of Student Conduct, that process and procedure will prevail and this policy will not apply (e.g., grade sanctions for academic misconduct).

1.2. Additionally, this university policy summarizes basic appeal procedures for all students related to financial aid matters.

2. Reason for Policy

2.1. Oregon State University (“university”) recognizes the importance of providing an opportunity to appeal decisions regarding academic and financial aid matters. Particular care is taken to provide safeguards for students in any action which significantly alters their status at the university.

3. Scope & Audience

3.1. This university policy applies to all university employees, faculty, and students.

4. Definitions

4.1. Academic Matters. Matters related to university education within the authority and responsibility of instructors that are not addressed in the Code of Student Conduct such as grades, evaluations of academic performance, attendance, academic freedom in the classroom, and student-instructor conflicts.

5. Responsibilities & Procedures

5.1. Undergraduate Student Academic Grievances

5.1.1. Challenges to academic decisions are governed by the Academic Regulations and Procedures adopted by the Faculty Senate and published in the Schedule of Classes. Those regulations provide that undergraduate student grievances of academic matters are appealed in the following order:

a. To the class instructor;

b. To the school or department head;

c. To the grievance committee of the college if the college maintains such a committee;

d. To the dean of the college or designee;

e. To the Provost and Executive Vice President or designee.

5.1.2. Academic matters outside the authority and responsibility of instructors and the academic colleges are governed through university student-faculty committees. Students seeking an exception to academic regulations and requirements must petition the appropriate committee for a decision. An explanation of regulations, requirements, procedures, and the specific committee to which to direct the appeal can be obtained through the Office of the Registrar.

a. If other pertinent information or factors become apparent after the original decision is reached, the student may appeal the decision to that committee for reconsideration by providing written documents or appearing in person;

b. Appeals from a committee, except as specified in Sec. 5.1.1.a of this university policy, are made to the Provost and Executive Vice President or designee.

5.2. Student Financial Aid Appeals

5.2.1. A student may appeal a decision of a financial aid staff member concerning the awarding or distribution of institutional financial aid in the following order:

a. To the director of the Scholarship Office if a scholarship is involved or to the director of the Office of Financial Aid for all other types of institutional financial aid;

b. To the Vice Provost for Student Affairs.

5.2.2. The directors of the Scholarship Office and the Office of Financial Aid will tailor the forms and instructions to students based on their specific type of tuition assistance decision appealed.

5.3. Unless otherwise specified, all initial appeals must be filed in writing within 15 business days of the decision or action being appealed, and all appeals to subsequent steps in the process must be filed within seven business days of the date of the decision at the previous level.

6. Forms & Tools

6.1. None.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

7.1. None.

8. Related Information

8.1. The Code of Student Conduct governs the process and procedures for prohibited student conduct such as cheating, plagiarism, drug use and hazing; available at….

8.2. Academic Regulations and Procedures adopted by the Faculty Senate and published in the Schedule of Classes are published to assist students by providing information that is essential for planning and pursuing their academic programs:

8.3. Support for students engaging in the grievance process: ASOSU Office of Advocacy (541-737-9200;, Counseling and Psychological Services (541-737-2131,

8.4. Grievance procedures for graduate students related to graduate education and employment are found in Grievance Procedures for Graduate Students on the Graduate School website:

9. History

9.1. Adopted: Oregon State University adopted University Policy 576-022 Student Appeals and Grievances from Oregon Administrative Rule 576-022 Student Appeals and Grievances on July 1, 2014.

9.2. Revised: University Policy 576-022 Student Appeals and Grievances was revised and renumbered as University Policy 02-010 Student Academic and Financial Aid Appeals on August 31, 2022.

9.3. Next scheduled review date: August 2027.

10. Website

10.1 University Policy 02-001 Student Academic and Financial Aid Appeals:…

11. Contacts

Enrollment Management

Financial Aid