Public Records

University Policy: 04-035 Public Records
Last Revised:
Responsible Executive: Vice President, University Relations and Marketing
Responsible Office: University Relations and Marketing
Download the Policy: (PDF)
**The PDF is the official text of the policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.**


1.1. Oregon State University (“university”) is committed to conducting its business and activities transparently as a university value and operational practice. The university also values institutional transparency as an additional measure of public accountability. As such, any person may obtain public records not otherwise exempt from disclosure from the university consistent with applicable state laws and this university policy.


2.1. The university is subject to Oregon’s Public Records Laws (OPRL), which can be found in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) at Chapter 192 (as applicable to “public bodies”). This policy aligns university practice with OPRL and directs Public Records Holders in the creation and organization of public records. It also directs Public Records Holders to fully cooperate with requests of the university’s Public Records Officer as outlined in Section 5.1.2 of this policy.

2.2. Additionally, this policy may serve as a tool to the public, in addition to OPRL, in making public record requests of the university.


3.1. This policy applies to Public Records Holders and public records requests made to any person, unit or department of the university.


4.1. Public records holder: Persons employed by the university, including, but not limited to academic faculty, professional faculty, classified staff, law enforcement professionals, graduate assistants and student employees, and other persons acting on behalf of the university who create or organize public records, or respond to public records requests.

4.2. Public record: The university adopts by reference the definitions of key terms in OPRL including but not limited to “public record” at ORS 192.311 as it may be amended from time to time. Generally, public records can be any records about university business or used by the university, and can be stored in any medium.


5.1. Responsibilities for Public Records Requests

5.1.1. The university, through its Public Records Officer, will respond to specific, written requests for public records, in accordance with OPRL as it may be amended from time to time.

5.1.2. The Public Records Officer is the only university employee authorized to and responsible for reviewing, accepting and responding to requests for public records.

5.1.3. Public Records Holders are not authorized to receive, grant or deny any public records requests without written permission from the Public Records Officer and should refer all requestors to the university’s Public Records Office webpage for information on how to make a public records request of the university.

5.1.4. In responding to public records requests, the university and its Public Records Officer will follow its policies and procedures and the OPRL (as applicable to “public bodies”) as it may be amended from time to time, in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel as needed.

5.2. Procedure for Making Requests

5.2.1. Public records requests must be made to the university’s designated Public Records Officer.

5.2.2. Each public records request must be in writing and describe the public records requested with such reasonable and sufficient specificity as to allow the university to objectively identify and locate the requested public records.

5.2.3. University Relations and Marketing will make available on their website contact information (email and U.S. mail addresses) for submitting requests, as well as any forms required for submission.

5.3. Fees

5.3.1. The university and its departments may charge fees to reimburse actual costs for the duplication, copies, and preparation of the requested public records in accordance with OPRL.

5.4. Denial and Appeal

5.4.1. The university may deny a request for public records or apply exceptions and exclusions under conditions set by the OPRL.

5.4.2. Appeals of university fee decisions and public record denials and decisions may be made to the Benton County District Attorney in accordance with ORPL.

5.5. Public Records Holder Responsibilities for Public Records

5.5.1. Public Records Holders must promptly cooperate with requests of the Public Records Officer related to fulfilling public records requests, which are time sensitive.

5.5.2. Public Records Holders must retain public records for the retention periods indicated on approved university and unit-level retention schedules.

5.5.3. Public Records Holders are responsible for protecting public records from damage and disorganization.


6.1. Public Records Office and Public Records Request webpage, including forms and addresses for submission:


7.1. Q: Where can I learn more about Oregon’s Public Records Laws and my requirements to maintain records? A: Public Records Holders should familiarize themselves with ORS Chapter 192, especially the definition of a “public record” in ORS 192.311; University Standard 04-010 Records Retention; and any other applicable retention schedules within their units or departments.


8.1. ORS Chapter 192; 192.311-192.475 relating to “public bodies.”

8.2. Oregon Department of Justice's Public Records and Meetings Manual.

8.3. University Standard 04-010 Records Retention.

8.4. Office of the Registrar, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) FAQs.


9.1. Adopted: Oregon State University adopted University Standard 576-004 Access to Public Records from Oregon Administrative Rule 576-004 Access to Public Records on July 1, 2014.

9.2. Revised: University Standard 576-004 Access to Public Records was revised, renamed and renumbered as University Standard 04-035 Public Records on January 24, 2023.

9.3. Next scheduled review: January 2028.




University Relations and Marketing

University Public Records Officer