1. Policy Statement
1.1. The Oregon State University (“university”) hiring process extends an affirmative preference at each stage of the hiring process to all individuals who self-identify as qualifying veterans and who meet the minimum qualifications listed in a position description.
2. Reason for Policy
2.1. The university is committed to equal opportunity in employment, and to ensuring that U.S. service veterans and disabled veterans have opportunities to secure meaningful civilian employment and advance in such employment at the university in accordance with state and federal law. Veterans often face detrimental stereotypes, and may lack experience applying for jobs because of their time in the military. Search committees and veterans alike may struggle with translating between civilian and military workforce terminology, as well as communicating about skills that may transfer from the military environment to the university environment. The university has implemented this university policy and accompanying procedures in support of veteran applicants.
3. Scope & Audience
3.1. This university policy applies to faculty, staff, and students, who serve on university hiring committees.
4. Definitions
4.1 Minimally qualified: The designation given to individuals meeting all minimum qualifications that can be known with certainty at a given stage.
4.2. Qualified veterans: All U.S. service veterans eligible for the preference, including those defined in Oregon law and in federal regulation.
4.3. Screening categories (“categories”): A tool for grouping similarly qualified candidates based on assessment of qualifications and most current information.
5. Responsibilities & Procedures
5.1. General
5.1.1. The university hiring process extends an affirmative preference at each stage of the search and screening process to all individuals who self-identify as a veteran and meet the minimum qualifications for the position.
5.1.2. This policy does not apply to questions of whether to pay for travel for on-campus interviews. Veterans should be compensated for their travel just as other similarly situated and located candidates in their pool would be compensated.
5.2. Applicant Screening Process
5.2.1. The applicant screening and hiring process can vary for a number of factors but generally the stages of a hiring and applicant screening process involves the following stages: Review of application materials from candidates; interviews (phone, Skype, airport, in person); reference checks (written and phone); verifying credentials (required degrees, licenses and/or certifications); and hiring decision.
5.2.2. Hiring committees will advance all minimally qualified veterans to the first stage of interviews.
5.2.3. At every stage following first stage interviews prior to the hiring decision, hiring committees will group all remaining candidates into categories based on an assessment of their qualifications and most current information. Examples of these categories might include highly qualified, well qualified, minimally qualified, and unqualified. Each qualified veteran is then moved up one category in order to provide a preference. All candidates in the top category are advanced to the next stage of the screening process. If it is necessary to advance additional categories, the veterans included in those categories will also be advanced. At each consecutive stage of the screening process, all remaining applicants are reallocated to new categories based in part on new information received at the subsequent stage. If a disabled veteran is not advanced, their application will be reviewed once more by the search committee to determine if there is an opportunity to advance.
5.2.4. Among equally qualified finalists in the top category at the hiring decision stage, the veteran will be selected. Among equally qualified top veteran candidates at the hiring decision, the disabled veteran will be selected.
5.3. Compliance, Enforcement, and Implementation
5.3.1. Staff in the Office of Human Resources will work with the chairs of hiring committees to document the application of this policy and will consult with the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access on when and how to apply the preference at various stages of the hiring process, as described in this policy.
6. Forms & Tools
6.1. Veteran’s Preference Procedure: http://eoa.oregonstate.edu/consideration-veterans-hiring-process
6.2. See Applicant Disposition Worksheet: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/hristeam/documents/applicant-disposition-worksheet
7. Frequently Asked Questions
7.1. None.
8. Related Information
8.1. 2015 ORS 408.230 Veteran’s preference in public employment: https://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/408.230
8.2. U.S. Code of Federal Regulation 41 C.F.R. § 60-300.2
9. History
9.1. Adopted: June 1, 2018.
9.2. Reviewed and revised: January 24, 2023.
9.3 Next scheduled review: January 2028.
10. Website
10.1. University Policy 05-015 Veterans Preference Employment Policy: http://policy.oregonstate.edu/UPSM/05-015_veterans_preference_policy
11. Contacts
Office of Equal Opportunity and Access