Guidance for Writing Policy

Intake and Consultation

Policy stewards should email the Policy Program for a link to the Program's Qualtrics-based intake form to help focus their thoughts before embarking on the drafting process. The Program receives a copy of the intake form and will use it to inform the initial draft.

The Policy Template

Policy stewards are encouraged to download the university's Policy Template when drafting University Policies and University Standards. The policy template contains the required sections with instructions on how to complete each section of the template.

Drafting Style and Guidelines

The document Guidelines for Drafting provides useful tips to help policy stewards draft clear, effective University Policies and Standards. The Guidelines go into detail for drafting each section of the template beyond what the instructions in the template provide and more fully explore the following suggestions:

1. Identify the problem the policy will solve. When writing a policy, consider the overarching purpose of the policy. Periodically ask yourself: Why is this policy needed? What is this policy intended to accomplish? Focus on the specific task at hand and avoid drifting into peripheral areas. In Sections 1 and 2 of the policy template, clearly state the purpose of any policy.

2. Identify who does what. Clearly articulate the roles and responsibilities of key offices or individuals. Who is authorized to make certain decisions or responsible for carrying out certain duties? When, and to whom, is authority delegated? What actions need to take place? Consider describing a particular individual’s responsibilities in a single location when possible in the policy (e.g., as sub-bullets under that individual) instead of describing their responsibilities across different sections. Describe processes in a logical manner, such as, chronologically or by responsibility of each individual/office.

3. Define your terms. Clearly define any important individuals, terms, or actions, but use the Policy Glossary to start with definitions that currently exist. In particular, define terms that are not generally understood or that have a meaning that is specific or important to the policy. Do not assume the reader has the same level of understanding of the subject-matter as you, as a policy owner.

4. Use plain language. Be direct. Be specific. Policies that are unclear, unnecessarily complex, or ambiguous can be easily misunderstood, misinterpreted, and improperly applied. Use plain, clear language that can be easily understood by most readers the first time they read it. Be direct. Avoid jargon, passive voice, and shorthand, and clearly indicate specific actions and actors.

5. Use action words, and use the right ones. Use action words, like must, will, or shall to reflect requirements, such as "Employees must record dates of travel..." May and should imply a choice, and could lead to inconsistent outcomes.

6. Keep it at a high level. Focus on general responsibilities of key individuals and offices rather than on the specific procedures required to operationalize a policy. Operating procedures, unit rules, or office-specific policies can be developed separately—and updated and refined more frequently.

7. Remember: Less is more. A policy need not be lengthy. In fact, shorter is often better. The ultimate goal of a policy is to clearly convey important information; longer policies can be more difficult to understand, interpret, and apply. Of course, some policies, by necessity, are complex or must contain a great deal of information. When drafting a policy, try to concisely include the essential information. If possible, consider including additional context or information into separate documents, such as FAQs.